Wednesday 29 October 2008

Grizzly Addams

I'm here on the farm now and I've left San Francisco behind. It was sad to go but it looks like I left at the right time. I had saved the Golden Gate Bridge or last as I knew it was free and that seeing it was just a simple case of getting there and walking across myself. Check out my awesome pictures.


So that was a little disappointing, but as the fog rolled in through the Golden Gate I moved on up north. It is still dry season here and it goes from really hot in the day to pretty cold in the night. Check out where I'm staying though.

I'm so freakin' Grizzly Addams. Wendy and Peter are great and there is another guy here about the same age as me called Jeff. Jeff seems pretty eager to get me to drive his car which is cool. Personally I'd rather help keep squirrels of the walnut trees though. Peter has an air rifle with a sniper scope so I really want to try that out. An idea for mum and dad maybe?

I haven't seen much in the way of wild animals but I'm told that there are wild deer and turkey here. We're going to have to shoot a turkey soon as well. Wendy says she doesn't like having to prepare them though so I've offered to help. I should at least have a strong stomach from working in the butchers all those years.

The only wildlife I have seen so far is
this light spot in the middle of the photo

I have pictures of all the cats but I don't remember their names yet. There is one cat who looks really cool, the shape of his face is nothing like the usual house cat. I think he is a baby jaguar so I like him, but he drools when you stroke him so I don't like him that much.

We pulled the farm stallion out of his holiday for a riding lesson yesterday. We trotted him around a bit and me, Wendy, and Jeff took turns riding on him. He tried to buck Wendy at one point but he is a pretty relaxed horse and he just needs to get back into feeling comfortable with people on his back again.

Jeff and Wendy playing horsey

That will have to do for now because I have stuff to do. Until next time here is a picture of Dave from the hostel on our last night there. We had a few drinks.

Friday 24 October 2008

Welcome to The Rock

The problem with having so much to is that you have so little time left to write about it at the end of the day. That is why I am writing about Alcatraz now instead of yesterday as intended. I had somehow managed to completely miss the fact that there was a pub crawl planned for last night by the lovely people here at the hostel, so not wanting to let the team down, I went along. In the past two days I have been to Alcatraz island and Coit Tower, as well as walking a whole load more. I even have the blisters to prove it.

I think I found a solution to the problem though. I bought a pair of Crocs today and its like walking on air, they're ace.

So anyway, Alcatraz, It was pretty cool. You get free range of the island although some areas are fenced off, you can look around at your own pace, which is good because there is loads to see. I think I was on the island for about 3 hours, the first hour of which was spent walking around humming the music from The Rock movie. I was really hoping that when the boat pulled up they would say 'Welcome to The Rock' in a really dramatic movie sounding way. They didn't. Pricks. Without wanting to spoil the tour for anyone interested in going (or bore anyone who doesn't care) I'll skip the full commentary. Here is me doing the tourist thing instead.

I even bought the authentic replica Alcatraz tin cup.

As I mentioned before, I went to Coit Tower today. It has the best views of the city and on a clear day like today you can see for miles. So I was kinda pissed off to find I left my camera battery charging in the hostel. Gaaay.

In other news my longest running room mate, Riccardo, has left today. He is a really friendly 26 year old farmer from Italy. He looks like Sacha Baron Cohen, wears really thin underpants that look like nappies, and puts an 'h' before any word beginning with a vowel. He is hace. He was a great room mate and I'll miss him but he has his adventure to finish too. He has spent the last couple of months going from city to city all over the US, impressive for a country boy who can barely speak English. Godspeed Riccardo.

As a final note I know you are dying to see the view from my window, so here is a pic I took earlier.

I have gone on long enough so I'll say goodbye for now. Until next time, may this guy watch over you while you sleep...

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Day One... and two, and three

I am so glad to see that America is everything the movies promised. Hobos pushing around shopping trolleys full of rubbish, hobos in wheelchairs dragging themselves along with their one good foot, hobos smoking pot, hobos on crack, drunk hobos, friendly hobos, angry hobos, and yellow taxis. This is pure Americana. I jest of course.

San Francisco is a cool city. I've spent most of the last couple of days on Fisherman's Wharf at the north of the peninsula. It seems to be the tourist area with lots to do. I've mostly been walking around seeing what I can see for free. Today I visited the cable car museum which wasn't as boring as it sounds, but not very big either. It was pretty much and in-and-out job. Probably the more interesting part of the day was finding the most crooked street in the world, Lombard street. To be honest I'm wasting time here. I have bought a ticket to Alcatraz for tomorrow which WILL be interesting. I really can't be bothered with this blogging crap so here are some pictures i

Damn I'm cool

Way to ruin the picture Hiro

